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Dance Video The Heid o' the Brae (Video 1)

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The Heid o' the Brae (J96, Margaret Zadworny: Aye Afloat - Portknockie Collection)
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Martina Mueller-Franz (Feb. 13, 2012, 1:27 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
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The Heid o' the Brae 3+3 · J96

4 women + 2 men in a 3c set, W facing W in 1pl and 3pl, M facing M in 2pl.

All W petronella to midline | Set to W facing ; turn that W RH to join LH in the middle
The M+middle W LHA while{4} the outer W chase ½ clw ; turn W RH ¾ to sidelines (all W have now moved 1 place clw round the square)
Repeat from new places (all W are now diagonally opposite starting places)
The M turn RH ½ | BiL with 1cnrs ; turn 1cnr LH ¾ to finish in 2plx
The M turn LH ½ | BiL with 4cnrs ; turn 4cnr RH to finish facing 1cnr
Corners Chain: (change place RH with 1cnr | cnrs turn LH in the middle while{2} the M set diagonally ; change back RH with cnr | the M turn LH 1¼ to face 2cnr while{2} 1st corners set)
Repeat with 2cnrs, finishing in 2pl
Repeat [1–32] from new positions (to starting positions)

(No diagram available.)