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Dance Video The Galloping Carousel (Video 4)

RSCDS Ottawa, 2023.
The Galloping Carousel (J32, John de Chastelain: RSCDS LIII 3)
Added by
Roland Telle (July 9, 2023, 12:47 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
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The Galloping Carousel 4/4L · J32
1c+2c & 3c+4c RHA ; 1W & 4M (partners following) chase clw behind sidelines to other end (4x,2,3,1x)
Repeat from new positions, to own places
1c facing 2c & 3c facing 4c set | change places RH ; 1c+4c repeat LH (2,4,1,3)
1c & 4c dance out between nearest end couple and cast back ; all C turn RH (2,4,1,3)

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