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Issue 294: St. Columba's Strathspey In Pilling 8th Ed.

Saint Columba's Strathspey (Dance)
Cord Walter (qord)
Assigned to
Eric Ferguson

Just noticed that the Pilling-Diagrams (8th Edition, not corrected in the 2009 supplement) stretch bars 9-16 over 2x 8 bars - the line between 1st corners pass & turn and 2nd corners pass & turn is solid instead of dashed.

If you try to dance it from these diagrams, this part gets unbearable slow (unless you do twiddles) and the music is too short because the dance suddenly becomes S5x40…

Previous Actions

  • Date  Sept. 23, 2013, 10:02 p.m.
  • User  Cord Walter (qord)

New issue submitted

  • Date  Sept. 24, 2013, midnight
  • User  Anselm Lingnau (anselm)

Assigned changed to »anselm« (previously »None«)
Disposition changed to »Ignored« (previously »New«)

This is an interesting observation but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with us – Keith’s diagram is fine and so are our cribs (both Eric’s and MiniCribs).

  • Date  Sept. 24, 2013, 9:18 a.m.
  • User  Cord Walter (qord)

Good point… Do you think there is a point in documenting this in the entry for the dance? “Extra Info” Tab maybe? Well, I can always write a postcard to the Pillings committee, which seems on first look the most modern way to contact them ;)

  • Date  Sept. 24, 2013, 8:42 p.m.
  • User  Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)

Assigned changed to »EricFerguson« (previously »anselm«)
Disposition changed to »Fixed« (previously »Ignored«)

The information has been added in “Extra Info”. No more action needed. Fixed. Eric