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Issue 620: Inverness Reel - number of bars

The Inverness Reel (Dance)
Diane Rooney
Assigned to
Eric Ferguson

I have original instructions & this dance is 128 bars in length - see the crib that follows also 128 bars. The overview incorrectly gives 144 bars. Cheers Di

Previous Actions

  • Date  Jan. 26, 2015, 1:27 p.m.
  • User  Unknown

New issue submitted

  • Date  Jan. 26, 2015, 10:30 p.m.
  • User  Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)

Subject changed to »Inverness Reel - number of bars« (previously »Overview - number of bars«)
Assigned changed to »EricFerguson« (previously »None«)
Disposition changed to »Needs help« (previously »New«)

This dance starts with a 16-bar chorus. Then come four 16-bar “figures”, separated by repeats of the chorus. That makes 128 bars. If the chorus is repeated at the end, that makes 144 bars. I have no “original” source (in this database, the dance is marked as “unpublished”). The sources I have differ in having the final chorus or not.

Can anyone supply authoritative information on what Hugh Thurston’s choice was? Eric

  • Date  Jan. 26, 2015, 10:30 p.m.
  • User  Heiko Schmidt (castle_ghost)

Hi Eric,

I have a transcript of it - it is strangely written regarding this point:

At the top it says “4x32” which would be 128, but:

Then there is the description of the Chorus [16bars] (not mentioning anything that it may not be danced)

followed by:

Figure 1: ‚St. Andrew’s Cross’ [16bars] + Chorus [16bars] Figure 2: ‚Spin Setting’ [16bars] + Chorus [16bars] Figure 3: ‚Half Reels’ [16bars] + Chorus [16bars] Figure 4: ‚Lines of Three’ [16bars] + Chorus [16bars]

Since there is no statement not to dance the 1st Chorus, and because there are remarks after the four other Choruses stating “[2nd]”, “[3rd]”, “[4th]” and “[5th]” that sums up to 144bars.

Is there any information anywhere stating that the initial Chorus description is not intended to be danced? If yes, that would explain the 128bars.

Cheers, Heiko

  • Date  July 13, 2015, 5:20 a.m.
  • User  Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)

Disposition changed to »Fixed« (previously »Needs help«)

It seems probable that the Chorus should be danced at the start and in 4 repeats. The number of bars has been changed to 144, and Heiko’s information has been added to “Extra Info”. Issue can best be closed. Eric