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Issue 676: Lake Geneva: which transitions between the reels of four?

Lake Geneva (Dance)
Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)
Assigned to
Eric Ferguson

I found two sets of instructions for this dance, which differ for bars 12-16. In the first, which looks like an original, 1W and 3M, as they pass Lsh on bar 12, face RIGHT, i.e. face out on opposite side, into the half reel across. In the second (which says it is modified) these dancers pass Lsh on bar 12, and at once face LEFT, i.e. face out on own side. On bar 16 these dancers pass each other in the same way again, so that, in both versions, 1c and 3c face P again on bar 17.

Does anyone know if the second version is an official modification of the dance or just an unofficial variant?


Previous Actions

  • Date  March 16, 2015, 12:14 a.m.
  • User  Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)

New issue submitted

  • Date  March 26, 2015, 2:04 a.m.
  • User  Eric Ferguson (EricFerguson)

Assigned changed to »EricFerguson« (previously »None«)
Disposition changed to »Fixed« (previously »New«)

This information added to “Extra Info”. Fixed. Eric