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Dance Video The Bridgwater Geordie (Video 1)

YY Family 15th Anniversary, 2014.
The Bridgwater Geordie (R32, David G Queen: Queen Collection of SCD Vol 1)
Added by
Truus de Ceuster (Aug. 25, 2015, 10:22 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
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The Bridgwater Geordie 4/4L · R32

On 2nd chord 3c+4c cross (1,2,3x,4x)

1c+4c set | cast in (2c+3c step out) (2,1,4x,3x) ; 1c+4c RHA, at end pivot R to face cnr (2,1,4x,3x)
Half Schiehallion Reel (centre and cnr pass Rsh | in the centre move to next cnr to the R, passing Lsh, repeat. Finish in diagonally opposite position (3,4,1x,2x)
4c+1c LHA ; 3c+4c & 1c+2c ½ RHA to sidelines (4x,3x,2,1) | All turn P RH ½ , finishing 4c+1c in allemande hold facing out the end and 3c+2c in Poussette hold
Interlocking Allepousse: 3c & 2c Poussette “singly” (W starts backwards) to own end of the set while{8} 4c+1c Allemande “singly” (phrase as a 3c allemande, 1c starts down), passing each other before dancing in | on [31–32] cross LH to other side (to 3,1,4x,2x)

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