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Dance Video Bude's Coming of Age (Video 1)

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The Dance was devised by Les Burden, who along with his wife Dawn, run the Bude Weekend, 7-9 October this year (2016). They are dancing as first couple in the video: https://youtu.be/i0pVt0aTBiQ
Bude's Coming of Age (R32, Les Burden)
Added by
David Acland (Oct. 11, 2016, 2:10 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
Quality (of the dancing)
Good (What does this mean?)

The Dance was devised by Les Burden, who along with his wife Dawn, run the Bude Weekend, 7-9 October this year (2016).
They are dancing as first couple in the video: https://youtu.be/i0pVt0aTBiQ

Back to the videos for this dance

Bude's Coming of Age 3/4L · R32
1s cross down through 2s into reels of 3 on opp side (1x, 2, 3)
1s ½ fig. of 8 through 2s; 1M ½ fig 8 through 2s and fin. between 2s facing down giving RH to ptnr and LH to 2L while 1L cross and cast behind 2M and face up to give RH to ptnr and LH to 2M in line across
Balance in line| 1M & 2L turn LH while 1L & 2M turn LH ½; 1M dance down to give RH to ptnr while 1L dance down behind 3M and up to give RH to ptnr| 1s ½ turn RH and join with 3s (M to M, L to L)
Balance in line| 1M & 3M also 1L & 3L turn LH ¾; 1L dance ½ fig. 8 down through 3s to 2nd place opp side while 1M cross and cast up to 2nd place opp side. (2, 1x, 3)

Repeat with 1s dancing partner’s track, starting from opposite sides

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