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Dance Video Glenoe (Video 2)

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Glenoe (S32, Daphne Jones: Dances to Honour Elma McCausland MBE)
Added by
Martina Mueller-Franz (Nov. 25, 2019, 10:31 a.m.) – Source: YouTube
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Glenoe 3/3L · S32
1c+2c RHA into diagonal line ; ½ Poussette (2,1,3)
1c+3c repeat [1–8] (2,3,1)
1c dance towards each other and cast to 1pl (2c+3c dn retaining H at end) ; all NHJ as long as possible when advancing dance BtoB (1,2,3)
3C Progressive Gr-Chain (2,3,1)

Progressive Gr-Chain: like Gr-Chain with 2 bars/hand, but when meeting P make full turn to stay on own side (to start, 1c turn RH, 2c+3c change places RH on sidelines)

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