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Dance Video On the Boardwalk (Video 1)

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Twice in a 2 couple set. In bars 9-12 they dance a flowing swirl all in skip-change whereas the instructions suggest a tighter turn in 2 bars and then setting for 2 bars”.
On the Boardwalk (R32, Bruce Herbold: Excited States)
Added by
Murrough Landon (June 4, 2020, 7:26 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
Quality (of the dancing)
Good (What does this mean?)

Twice in a 2 couple set. In bars 9-12 they dance a flowing swirl all in skip-change whereas the instructions suggest a tighter turn in 2 bars and then setting for 2 bars”.

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On the Boardwalk 2/4L · R32
1c set | cross RH ; 1c+2c set | turn RH into allemande hold, 1c facing up, 2c facing down
1c & 2c curve L to line across, 1c facing down, 2c facing up | set ; 1c turn LH while{4} 2c turn 1½ LH to face P and own side
LSh Reel4 across, end in promhold, 1c facing up, 2c facing down
1c & 2c promenade round ¾ clw ; turn ¾ RH (2,1)

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