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Dance Video Mix 'n' Match (Video 1)

RSCDS Sheffield
Mix 'n' Match (S32, Ken Jones: The Second Sheaf Collection)
Added by
Murrough Landon (July 5, 2020, 11:01 a.m.) – Source: YouTube
Quality (of the dancing)
Good (What does this mean?)

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Mix 'n' Match 4/4L · S32

All set, top 3 Men & bottom 3 Ladies change places RH


All set, top 3 on Ladies’ side & bottom 3 on Men’s side change places LH. Order now Men’s side: 2L 1L 1M 2M, Ladies’ side: 3L 4L 4M 3M


Ladies (at top) dance RH aross & Men (at bottom) dance LH across flowing into …


On meeting partner in middle take prom hold (Lady on partner’s left) & dance out of Men’s side:

1s dance up, curve to right & dance down to 2nd place & face up

4s dance down, curve to left & dance up to 3rd place & face down

3s dance up to top & face down, 2s dance down to 4th place & face up. (3) 1 (4) 2


3s+1s (at top) & 4s+2s (at bottom) dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (1s & 2s cross up, dance down/out)


1s+4s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (1s cross down, 4s dance out/up)


4s+2s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (2s cross up, 4s dance out/down)


2s (at bottom) cast up followed by 4s, 1s & 3s. End 2 4 1 3

(No diagram available.)