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Dance Video Lucy Campbell (Video 7)

St Andrews Summer School 2022, Week 3 Demonstration
Three times as the last part of a longer display.
Lucy Campbell (R32, RSCDS XVII 7)
Added by
Murrough Landon (Sept. 4, 2022, 12:33 a.m.) – Source: YouTube
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Three times as the last part of a longer display.

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Lucy Campbell 2/4L · R32
1c+2c RHA {3}, LHA (5), finishing one place further on, i.e. 1c on M side
1c+2c BHJ slip to change sides, 1c passing below 2c | set (inside foot first) advancing 1c up, 2c down ; slip to midline, 1c above 2c | set making ¼ turn and retiring to places (1,2)
1c cast off | 1c turn RH (2c up) ; 1c lead up while{2} 2c cast off | 2c turn RH
1c+2c set | cross RH ; ½R&L

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