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Dance Video West's Hornpipe (Video 6)

RSCDS Belfast, 2022.
West's Hornpipe (R32, Five Traditional Scottish Country Dances for 1965)
Added by
Linda Harley (Oct. 23, 2022, 3:30 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
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West's Hornpipe 4/4L · R32
1c+2c+3c mirror Reels3 on opposite sides (1c cross down, 2c out and up)
Repeat, 1c now to own sides
1c lead down ; and up to top to face 2c from the middle diagonally
1c set to 2c | dance to the bottom (2c+3c+4c up) and turn inwards into ; 4c+1c Circle4 L (2,3,4,1)

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