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Dance Video Macleod's Fancy (Video 14)

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Macleod's Fancy (J32, John Drewry: RSCDS XXXIII 3)
Added by
Roland Telle (July 24, 2023, 6:55 p.m.) – Source: YouTube
Quality (of the dancing)
Informal/Social (RSCDS) (What does this mean?)

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Macleod's Fancy 4/4L · J32
1c+4c set facing diagonally | 1W+4M cast R round own sideline and meet with ¾ RH turn in the middle, to places while{6} 1M+4W make that turn and cast R round own sideline to places
All dance Reels4 on the sides to finish (1,2,3,4) facing up/dn
Middles (2c+3c) turn ends RH ½ way to form a St Andrew’s Cross (1c+4c retain RH and give LHA in the middle) | all set ; continue turns once round RH, at the end 1c+4c pass Rsh on own side to end (2,4,1,3) (1M+4W with polite turn)
(Middle couples solo:) 4c+1c set, Women cross NHJ and face ends while{2} Men cross over outside them and turn inwards to join P ; 4c(1c) lead up RH (lead down LH) between 2c(3c), cross and cast to 2pl(3pl) (2,4,1,3)

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