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Issue 2804: formation lacking

City Lights (Dance)
Odile Paraire (Luhernez)
Assigned to
Roland Telle
Being handled

Formations: Corners Pass And Allemande Turn R

Previous Actions

  • Date  May 30, 2022, 3:17 p.m.
  • User  Odile Paraire (Luhernez)

New issue submitted

  • Date  May 30, 2022, 5:02 p.m.
  • User  Roland Telle (Roland)

Assigned changed to »Roland« (previously »None«)
Disposition changed to »Being handled« (previously »New«)

Hi Odile,

Corners Pass and Allemande Turn (R/L) does not exist in the database. I am waiting for the opinion of the other co-editors to know if we add it or not.

Thank you!

Best regards

  • Date  May 30, 2022, 7:04 p.m.
  • User  Murrough Landon (murrough)

My understanding is that Anselm suggested the convention that we only add a formation if its used by more than one deviser in a total of three or more dances.

This seems reasonable to restrain huge numbers of formation names that are only ever used once. The trouble is keeping track of possible new formations and which dances they occur in to know if they are being reused. A while ago I started keeping a private list of variations of figures and potential new figures and have just added corners pass and allemande turn to it with City Lights as its one known example.

But for the moment I suggest we just add the standard corners pass and turn. I see allemande turn is already in the listed formations.