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Issue 3573: Formation Code for bars 9-24

Innes' Jig (Dance)
Iain Boyd
Assigned to
Murrough Landon

These 16 bars can be defined by the Formation Code “Turn Corners (C-TRN)”.

However, the dances covered by this code really need to be tidied up as many of the dances have first couple turning or changing place either before or after the ‘corner turn’ (See “Lord Elgin’s Reel” and “The Peat Fire Flame”).

In my opinion, these three dances would be better defined by a Formation Code that includes the pass / change as well - something like “Corner Turn and Pass” - despite “Innes’ Jig” being an example of the reverse.

I feel that this Formation Code should be restricted to instances where first couple turn corners for four bars (see “The Reel Of The Royal Scots”).

Previous Actions

  • Date  June 16, 2024, 11:51 p.m.
  • User  Unknown

New issue submitted

  • Date  June 17, 2024, 1:54 p.m.
  • User  Murrough Landon (murrough)

Assigned changed to “murrough” (previously “None”)

Hello Iain. I understand “Turn Corners (C-TRN)” to be 4 bar turns for corners with 1st couple passing shoulders between corners. It seems reasonable to include variations of which hand and which shoulder.

So I find your comments almost contradictory. Your last sentence fits with my impression that C-TRN should have 4 bar turns, but your first sentence proposes using C-TRN for bars 9-24 in this dance despite the corner turns being 2 bars (and hands being taken between them).

To me the alternation of 1st couple crossing RH and turning corners LH in this dance feels more like a chain figure. Perhaps others have different opinions?