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Eric Ferguson on It's Just for Fun (dance)

The diagram shows Turn L for 1st couple on [25-26], that should be 1/2 turn l.

Nowhere does it say who made and uploaded this diagram, so I see no way of requesting the author to correct it. I propose that in future the website should record the information on diagram authors, and make that visible onsite, just as for Keith Rose’s diagrams.

Andrew Buxton on All Saints by the Sea (dance)

I find this a nice dance to start the class. Needs only 3 couples, no setting, doesn’t take long, and doesn’t tax the brain too much.

Andy Mills on Andrew's Dance (dance)

Devised to flow easily into and out of a Ladies Chain.

Rosamund Rawlings on The Swinging Braes (dance)

This dance was well received at my informal summer technique class (to teach the corner chain). The figure in bars 25-32 was particulary well liked.

Jan Jones on Take Wing (dance)

I love this dance - but I am biased! Jan jones

Eric Ferguson on No Haste to the Wedding (dance)

All Scottap URLs given as online sources in this SCDDB are dead. We need to recover this source collection (does anyone have a backup?) and put it on another website, or else add the original text to each dance’s data on SCDDB. Does this raise new copyright issues, or can we assume that posting is permitted as Alan Paterson already had permission?

Marcela Galve on The Old Spedling Castle's Ghost's Dance (dance)

Great fun, wonderful music! Marcela Galve From Buenos Aires Scottish Country Dancers, Argentina

Anne Young on Polka Dot Polka (dance)

I don’t see that you know a source for this dance, so I don’t know that I was taught the correct version, but the left shoulder reel (as I was taught it) begins with person 5 giving left shoulder to person 4 (rather than person 2, as indicated in the diagram). That choice of who to begin the reel with flows smoothly from the right shoulder reel in the first 8 bars.

Thanks for making so many of these cribs/diagrams available.


Yannick Versley on Corners' Hello (dance)

for some reason, this is recorded as a 3 person- and not a 3-couple dance.

Peter Price on Alison Rose (dance)

Good dance that lives or dies on the phrasing of the hands across - some dancers tend to get anxious and loose their cool and timing.

Eric Ferguson on London's Burning (dance)
Jon Allen-Friend on The Ladies of Berkeau (dance)

To facilitate the 2H turn when the man passes below the lady, the hands should not to held tight but rather the hands should slip into the turn